
Professionals of energy efficiency

The team is formed by a group of established professionals and other experts in the field.

Unique Administrator - Technical Manager

Mario Battistrada

He works since 1988 and he is a member of the Order of Architect since 1989. He founded and directed the engineering company "Battistrada e Gazzolo S.r.l.", the studio SA3 Ship and Avant-Garde Atelier, specialized in Naval Design, and ReQuality Lab, dedicated to the energy recovery of buildings. He worked on urban planning, building restoration and recovery, with particular attention to the energy efficiency of buildings. He taught at the University of Genoa in "Composizione architettonica" and "Impianti".

Trade Manager

Enrico Bertone

He has developed and directed "Bertone Serramenti", which is formed by 19 dependents on a surface of 4.500 sqm. In these years he studied advanced systems of smart facades to improve the performance of different types of buildings, by using the best suppliers on the market.

Administrative Manager

Fabrizio Grasso

He started his work in 1990. He is a member of the Order of Architect since 1991. He worked on architectural projects, energy and environmental diagnosis, construction menagement, execution works. He founded and directed sg32, which is a company specialized in civil and industrial construction. He has developed particular skills in real estate asset management services, by working for important society in the sector.

Francesco Di Lieto

Graduated in Architecture at the University of Genoa, in 2015 He obtained a Master of II level as an expert in energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings. He is a member of the Order of Architects of Savona and also an expert "CasaClima Junior - designer"; He produces studies of economic feasibility of requalification, diagnosis and energy certifications, and He makes energy models with their study and development.

Daniela Canepa

She is an Architect, member of th Order of Architects since 2002 and She is also an energy Certifier since 2010. She follows the planning of the project, the direction of works and the coordination about safety with particular reference to renovation and requalification. She deals with building management for the real estate.

Amedeo Bucchieri

He is a member of the College of Surveyors of Genoa since 2008 and from 2010 He takes part of the Ligurian Regional Register of Energy Certifiers. He works on architectural and executive plans. He followed the energy requalification of some buildings certified by the Agency CasaClima in Genoa. He works on legal techniques, real estate assessments and cadastral and municipal practices.