Energy efficiency in the hotels
NH Hotel draws attention to the respect of the enviroment and energy efficiency of the hotels, thinking of comfort at the same time.
NH Hotel has specific programs to reduce CO2, water and waste consumption, increasing the use of renewable energy and protecting biodiversity.
A lot of interventions are made and all hotels constantly receive a consumption and efficiency monitoring; to obtain a clear improvement, Italy would try to introduce a global approach on buildings and systems.
NH Hotels entrust to ReQuality all its energy diagnosis about its structure in Florence.
NH Hotel in Florence is a ’60s building formed by 10 floors; the gross volume is about 27.000 mc, net surface is 7.000 sqm.
The main facade has a particular structure named “a nido d’ape” or « honeycomb structure », with loggias with projecting balconies, that generates some energy problems; however, the status of its conservation is perfect thanks to a recent restoration.
Windows are made with thermal break and double glass, with excellent performaces; there are blackout systems such as curtains and blinds, very useful in summer.
Systems are complex: five gas boilers serve lower floors, UTA the conference room, 11 heat pumps the rooms; a carrier chiller serves to cool the rooms and heated areas with gas boilers.
Energy diagnosis is made by the use of all documents and some inspections to verify architectural characteristics, constructive types, the state of conservation of systems and building.
It’s important to realize a model of the building and to compare its energy consumption data with the last three years.
Unfortunatly historical consumption can not be divided in different uses: for example, electricity in NH Hotel in Florence serves for lighting, elevators, laundry, …, but heating and cooling are recorded as an aggregate data, without specificate the consumption of different cost centres and, consequently, without an assessment of their efficiency. For this reason has been introduced a monitoring system of energy consumptions of different centres (kitchen, laundry, heat pumps, elevators, hot water, …) in order to identify and control dysfunctions and to assess the achievable efficiency.
Moreover the insulation of the facade (especially the external one with loggia) and the roof has been improved using different insulation materials suitable for the different positions.
Last but not least, we proposed a solar thermal system for the production of domestic hot water in addition to the existent, very convenient for hotels, quickly depreciable using the tax reduction of 65%.